Exhibition: ‘The Art of Colour’ by Sara Paxton 

Date:  18 November – 2 December, 2018

Location: Without Pier Gallery 320 Bay Road, Cheltenham, VIC, Australia

This November, Without Pier Gallery is pleased to present to you two top women artists Sara Paxton and Robyn Rankin in a shared exhibition with Susan Fajnkind sculptures.  While Sara and Robyn both work in oils and present contemporary themes Susan’s sculptures are of fine cut china and intricate.  This exhibition is bold and exciting and brings together this fabulous contrast of artist, theme and medium for your enjoyment.  Sara’s vibrant colour and free flowing style have taken flight in this wonderful exhibition.

Please join the artists, Sara, Robyn and Susan together with Terry Earle (Gallery Owner) and Liz Manning (Gallery Manager) at Without Pier Gallery for the exhibition opening and drinks 2-4pm on Sunday, November 18, 2018.

Hope to see you there and here’s a preview of Sara’s exhibition works.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]

DOWNLOAD Free Wallpapers: Get 5 of my best paintings in high resolution to use as wallpapers or screen savers!

Wild 90x120cm by Sara Paxton

Shimmering 120x90cm by Sara Paxton

Trees in Line 120cmx90cm by Sara Paxton

Summer Sensation 150x100cm by Sara Paxton

Life’s a Beach 106x106cm by Sara Paxton

At the Beach 160x60cm by Sara Paxton

To all my local followers, art is always better in real life so come down and stop by the art exhibition, the address is in a link up the top of this post.

I look forward to seeing you there and I would really appreciate it if you shared this with any friends or family who love art!


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- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
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Sara Paxton Artworks