‘Colours of Land and Sea’ is the title of my new exhibition at Seaview Gallery at Queenscliff. Together with David Hobday, glass artist, we will present, in spectacular colour, the beauty of landscape and seascape.

The exhibition will open on Saturday 29th October and run until the 19th November.  Please join me at the official opening on the 29th, 2-4pm, and meanwhile, here are a few of the paintings which will be on show.

LocationSeaview Gallery, 86 Hesse Street, Queenscliff, VIC, Australia

On the Fenceline - Sara Paxton Artworks

On the Fenceline – 180cm x 85cm

Garden Paradise 150x100cm Sara Paxton Artworks

Garden Paradise 150x100cm

Gift of Nature 122x122cm

Gift of Nature 122x122cm

Light on the Water 106x

Light on the Water 106×106

Roses in Window - Sara Paxton Artworks

Roses in Window 106x106cm

The Girls 120x90cm Sara Paxton Artworks

The Girls 120x90cm

Black Rock Beach 160x60cm Sara Paxton Artworks

Black Rock Beach 160x60cm

Tranquil Landscape 160x60cm

Tranquil Landscape 160x60cm

The Beach 92x92cm Sara Paxton Artworks

The Beach 92x92cm


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Sara Paxton Artworks
Colours of Land Sea Exhibition Sara Paxton Artworks
On the Fenceline - Sara Paxton Artworks
Garden Paradise 150x100cm Sara Paxton Artworks
Gift of Nature 122x122cm
Light on the Water 106x
Roses in Window - Sara Paxton Artworks
The Girls 120x90cm Sara Paxton Artworks
Black Rock Beach 160x60cm Sara Paxton Artworks
Tranquil Landscape 160x60cm
The Beach 92x92cm Sara Paxton Artworks