I am very happy to finally announce the starting date to my Melbourne Oil Painting Exhibition on the 11th of September. I have been preparing for this exhibition for close to six months now and it is fantastic to finally see it all happening. If you are singed up to my newsletter you would have seen the gradual progress over the last few months.

If you happen to be around Melbourne on Sunday the 15th September at 2pm, I will be at Without Pier Gallery mingling with everyone at the exhibition opening.  I would love to see you there as these events are always fun, would be great to meet some of my online friends in person.


Sara Paxton Artworks Melbourne Exhibition


You can see a quick preview of my artworks in the gallery section of the site. Of course not all of the works in the online gallery will be at the exhibition as some have already sold but there is still a beautiful selection on show. So if you have some spare time up your sleeve I would love you to come check out my Melbourne oil painting exhibition at Without Pier. Look forward to seeing you there.

If an original oil painting is a little out of your price range but you still love the artwork, I also do limited, high quality cards which you can have a look at.




Thanks for visiting, here's a GIFT just for you!


If you are an artist or collecter and want to learn more about the painting process behind my artworks download this guide. Everything below is Included in My FREE Art Guide

- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
- How to improve your creativity and painting style

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Sara Paxton Artworks
Sara Paxton Without Pier Art Exhibition
Sara Paxton Artworks Melbourne Exhibition