Stunning  art book ‘Studio’

I want to share with you one of my absolute favourite art books – ‘Studio. Australian Painters on the Nature of Creativity’.

It spotlights a broad range of painters, talks about their work practice and them working in their studios, which is the most fascinating bit.

Some studios are immaculate and so clean (one even has beautiful Persian carpets on the floor!). I don’t know how they achieve that! However, most are chaotic and paint splattered and, as you can see below, they are just like mine.

If you are looking to find the book, you can find it here. I have spent many happy hours reading this book (and picked up some great tips!) – it was worth every penny!

As you can see from above I clearly need to do a studio clean! If you are looking for other art books I find useful, check out my killer book list.

Studio. Australian Painters on the Nature of Creativity


If you have stumbled upon any art books that you think are truly amazing, please leave a comment below. It is always nice finding new hidden gems.

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Sara Paxton Artworks
Studio Art Book
I clearly need to do a studio clean
Studio. Australian Painters on the Nature of Creativity