I had an opportunity this week to take part in an inks workshop demonstrating how to use inks on canvas.  This was an new experience – I’d only ever used inks on paper. It’s a lovely, washy, free flowing painting method.  First  the canvas (we used stretched canvas) is saturated with water (sprayed from a bottle)  and then ink is painted on in fast, flowing sweeps with a wide flat brush, or squirted directly straight from the ink bottle if you’re really brave!

The effect is fantastic, swirling colour – the inks come in dazzling, vibrant colours so the effect is very bright.  Make sure the canvas is completely flat otherwise it all runs in one direction.  The ink then just does its own thing –  moving around for quite a while after, infact until the canvas dries, which takes several hours. Interestingly, the opaque inks behave differently to the transparent ones.  The end result  is almost abstract in nature.




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