I was honoured to be selected and asked to participate  in a charitable art exhibition for an organisation called Very Special Kids (VSK).  Formed in 1985, it is an organisation which provides support and counselling to families caring for a child diagnosed with a life threatening illness and also those families who have lost a child.  The charity art exhibition will raise valuable funds for this very worthwhile organisation.

One of my paintings was also chosen to be included on VSK’s promotional material for the event which was very exciting. The  art exhibition runs from 27 February to 10 March 2014 at Very Special Kids, 321 Glenferrie Road, Malvern. So if you would like to support a worthwhile cause, take a look – there are around 40 artists and there will be some fabulous work on display. You may even like to attend the opening which is on Thursday 27 February.


Charity Art Exhibition Paintings

Below: the two paintings I will be exhibiting at this fantastic event.






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If you are an artist or collecter and want to learn more about the painting process behind my artworks download this guide. Everything below is Included in My FREE Art Guide

- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
- How to improve your creativity and painting style

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Sara Paxton Artworks
Finest Flowers - 106x106cm