I was a bit sceptical about digital art – was it valid? was it too easy? did it require much skill? Could it even be classed at authentic art? Then I went to see David Hockney’s exhibition at the National Gallery in Melbourne.

Hockney is recognised as one of Britain’s greatest living painters, in fact some consider him the best.  Certainly influential, this humble gentleman who now lives in L.A.,and is approaching the age of 80, has completely changed my view of digital art.

Despite his advancing years he has embraced this relatively contemporary form of art with apparent ease and he is amazing. What a risk taker! And what a brilliant artist.

I’ve admired him since my early 20s but I’ve moved to a whole new level of admiration now. Some of his work at the exhibition is on an iPhone or an iPad (more than 1000 pieces) and some is so vast it takes up whole rooms.

Many of the works are landscapes, and in particular trees (a subject close to my heart) ranging from his native Yorkshire to Yosemite National Park.

I found the iPad sketches most interesting as the whole creation process is shown from start to finish – each mark made (he uses his fingers rather than a stylus), each colour added and each technique used.

As Hockney himself says, “Who wouldn’t want one? Picasso or Van Gogh would have snapped one up.”

Now over to you! What do you think of this art technique and should it be amongst the greats? Hockney thinks so!

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David Hockney