I recently discovered a fantastic little device that allows me to catch some pretty good painting time-lapse footage. The device is called Brinno TLC200 and it records in HD and can last many hours on some AAA batteries, which is fantastic for capturing an entire painting as it usually takes me 1 to 2 days painting to complete.

I am still working on finding the right angle and place for the camera but I think I am getting pretty close. Have a look at the video below to see how my oil on canvas painting ‘Fields Edge’ comes to life. I am not sure which gallery will be receiving this painting but I’m hoping that it will already be famous by the time it gets there.

If you have had any experience in recording yourself or others painting in oils, I would love for you to share your experience in the comments below. I have also tried doing phone time-lapse videos with my iphone and some photography applications, however I find that the camera quality is not quite good enough for a youtube video.



To keep up to date with all of the the latest painting time-lapses and more useful art information, sign up to the Sara Paxton Artworks newsletter, it is free! Also if you enjoyed this post and found it useful please do not forget to share it with any others who may find it useful or interesting.



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Sara Paxton Artworks
Fields Edge-Oil paitning-106x87cm