

When it comes to home décor, there are many ways you can get creative. You can get yourself an old lamp, a great wallpaper for your bedroom or perhaps a painting that will look stunning in your room.

Selecting wall art for your living room, bedroom or any other room in your home can and should be an exciting journey, I am personally obsessed with it!.

You would want a painting that reflects your personality and also looks great in your room. The key to finding the perfect painting for your room is to ensure it goes with your bedroom’s interior design.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right painting for your room:


Do Your Research

If you want to invest in a piece of art for your posh living room, it is important that you do proper research. Look through as many catalogues and galleries as possible before you decide and finalised your selection.

Start with the local art galleries in your city. You can even check out art in public spaces, such as libraries, restaurants and cafes.

If you are too lazy to get up on your feet, don’t worry. Use the internet. From the comfort of your home, you can look at art pieces from around the world and even place an order for any item you like.


Find the Best Deals

It’s alright if you do not wish to spend a fortune on a painting for your room. Search online for auctions where you can bid. Before you decide to make a bid online, read reviews about the seller.

Ask questions if you have any doubt. Do not just throw your money on a painting just because you think it looks good.

You can buy paintings from street artists. Street artists are known for their creativity and flair.

If you want to add some character to your room, you can buy a great painting for an inexpensive price from a street artist.


Select a Painting That’s of the Right Size

You do not want to cram your newly bought piece of art on the wall with your gigantic wall clock. While purchasing a painting, focus on size.

Select your art to fit a particular space. It is a good idea you decide where you would like to place the piece prior to purchasing it.

This way, you would have a good idea of how it would look on your wall. Keep in mind the bolder the art, the more space it needs to breathe.

If you want a large canvas, make sure you have room for it. You can always rearrange your furniture after buying the painting but it is a good idea you measure the available space so your painting does not look crowed on your wall.


Choose a Painting Which Matches Your Room’s Colour Scheme

When selecting a painting, choose one which harmonizes with the colors on the walls in your room.

If you do not have a particular painting in mind you would like to purchase, select one that works well with the two boldest colors in your room.

You do not have to go for the perfect match, but if the painting you select matches with your room’s color scheme, its visual appeal will be enhanced to a great extent.

Not to mention, it will add to the ambiance of your room, making it more aesthetically pleasing.


Choose a Painting That Matches Your Personality

If you are in to punk, there is no point in purchasing a painting with a floral design.

It may look good but you might want to stay true to yourself when choosing art for your room. Look for a painting that goes with your style and highlights your personality.

Art is a mode of expression thus you should be careful in selecting a piece that will give out the right message.


Make Sure the Painting Matches the Style of Your Room

If your room is filled with antique pieces, it is only reasonable to look for something that is antique styled. The kind of frame you choose for your painting also has an impact on how it will look on your wall.

If you have ample wall space, choose a large frame that highlights the painting and prevent your rooms from looking empty.

If you have large furniture, purchase a painting that will not look out of place.

You can always do a little redecorating that will make your new painting look great in your room.


Check Out the Latest Trends

If you are looking for something that will attract attention to your glittering living room wall, you might want to look at the latest trends.

If you are going for a classy look, the best option for you is paintings that are in muted shades or in black and white.

If you are going for a minimalistic look, it is important you choose a painting that goes with your overall style.


Purchase Something You Love

Do not let the salesperson or your friends talk you into buying a piece you do not like.

As mentioned earlier, it is important you choose a painting which suits your style. If you like something but feel it will not go in your room, buy it anyway.

There is always room for improvising.

You can move around the furniture a little. Another neat trick is to purchase bed sheets and cushions coverings that match your new artwork. If all else fails, you can focus on highlighting just one wall in your room.

There are many DIY wall art tutorials you can find online. Wall art will enhance your new painting and give your room a new edge.


Have Fun

Don’t forget to have fun shopping! Choosing a painting is an exciting adventure that is an experience of a lifetime. Get your friends to tag along while you explore enchanting pieces of art.

Or you can go about it on your own, if that is how you feel you will be able to pick the right painting for your room. At the end of the day, it is your room!


If you have any tips you use when selecting your next painting to hand, please share them below!

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