I have used oil paints on canvas for many years and it’s by far my favourite medium to work with. Before you make the assumption that I am being bias. I have have been an artist for longer than I can remember, using many different mediums and I have always come back to oils as my favourite! I am now a full time artist that uses oils about 90% of the time, you can see some of my works here!

Here’s 10 reasons why painting with oils on canvas is the best:

1 – It’s the medium of the masters!

2 – You can mix colours easily. In fact experimenting with colour mixing is a source of endless fun.

3 – Colours will stay true when they dry.

4 – It dries slowly so you  can stop and start without worrying.

5 – If you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter. You can paint over it.

6 – You only need a few basic colours to get started.

7 – Oil paints are very versatile, equally suited to outdoor work, large studio pieces or even miniatures.

8 – The variety of techniques using oils is huge, from layering up thick textures using knife work to transparent washes like water colours.

9 – You don’t necessarily have to frame your work.  Stretched canvasses hang straight on the wall and look great.

10 – Most importantly it’s fun.  Once you start  to work with the thick, buttery, glossy paints you will never go back.


Paint Belt-painting with oils on canvas


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If you are an artist or collecter and want to learn more about the painting process behind my artworks download this guide. Everything below is Included in My FREE Art Guide

- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
- How to improve your creativity and painting style

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Paint Belt-painting with oils on canvas
Paint Belt-painting with oils on canvas