Being an artist has many challenges and unfortunately getting a headache after painting is one of them, for me anyway! Many oil painters have an issue with the solvents associated with oil painting, varying from headaches, light-headedness from the fumes or just disliking the smell.  Daler-Rowney may have the answer!

I do not know too much about this brand so would appreciate it if someone who did, left some comments on the quality and their overall experience with the product.

They have come up  with a product called Georgian Water Mixable Oils and you do just that – use water and no solvents at all, not even for the clean-up. This is solving two huge problems for artist so they must be onto a winner!


The paints work in just the same way as traditional oil paints, although they don’t take quite as long to dry.  Currently they come in 40 colours, all with a high pigment load, they mix and blend well and have the same texture as oil paints. I have found once place online so far that sells water mixable oil paints so it might be worth a try.


I would recommend going into your local art store and seeing the physical product if you have never bough these paints before.

If you have any of your own solutions to preventing a headache or light-headedness after painting  please leave them below as I would love to hear them!



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Prevent Headache After Painting-Sara Paxton Artworks
Prevent Headache After Painting-Sara Paxton Artworks