How many times have you taken an art class? Some of you will say many, others will say none. The reality is that finding and participating in an art class for your first time is quite confronting. Here is the good news, it doesn’t have to be!

Recently I came across a brilliant artist learning tool that makes taking art classes extremely easy and you can do them in the comfort of your own home. Craftsy is a great tool that has a lot of participation from users. I particularly like the feature that allows people who take the class to rate and review the teacher.

Not only have a joined a few classes but I have also found a bunch of other people who have as well. Here are a few more Craftsy reviews that I stumbled across.

Craftsy Website

This is a sponsored link but the price is the same if you sign up through Craftsy, it’s your choice!

The team at Craftsy offer a range of classes including:

  • Painting in pretty much all mediums
  • Oil Painting (the best of all the classes)
  • Sewing
  • Cake Decoration
  • Quilting
  • Cooking
  • Paper Craft
  • Jewelry Making
  • And many more…..

So if you are looking at getting into any sort of hobby or project but have no idea where to start I would suggest starting at Craftsy. The website is beautiful, easy to use and the classes are great.

My favourite class is the pet portrait class which is very detailed and has had a lot of participation and reviews (mostly 5 our of 5 stars). As a professional artist I even find it hard at times to do animal portraits wither they are serious or fun. This class really drills down to the fine technical tips and tricks that makes painting dogs, cats, frogs, owls or whatever you are planning to paint, easy!

If you have any of your own online learning tools please share by leaving a comment! OR if you have any further questions feel free to contact myself or one of the members at Craftsy!




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If you are an artist or collecter and want to learn more about the painting process behind my artworks download this guide. Everything below is Included in My FREE Art Guide

- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
- How to improve your creativity and painting style

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