Incredible Oil Painting in 5 Hours

Incredible Oil Painting in 5 Hours

I have promised that I would start working on my video production a little more to desmonstate to all you wonderful people how I create my artworks, in particular my oil paintings which happens to be my specialty. It would be quite a boring video if I was to sit a...
Sara Paxton Artworks Time-lapse

Sara Paxton Artworks Time-lapse

I am sure all of you wonder how I paint some of my paintings? Well luckily I would love to share with you the process. This is a clip of me at work in my little studio on a painting called “Flaming Sunflowers”. I know the video editing could use some work...

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If you are an artist or collecter and want to learn more about the painting process behind my artworks download this guide. Everything below is Included in My FREE Art Guide

- Oil painting guide, start to finish
- What techniques and tools I personally use
- How to improve your creativity and painting style

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Sara Paxton Artworks
Parading Poppies Time-lapse with Oil Paints
Artist Learning Tool, Craftsy
Fields Edge Painting Time-lapse
Incredible Oil Painting in 5 Hours
Sara Paxton Artworks Time-lapse